It has been well documented that the receipt of Microsoft Windows Vista has not been all that hot. However, visiting the site of many PC manufacturers or visit a retail outlet selling computers show that most new hardware will be offered with Vista as the main, if not only option. Reilly's Annoyances in their newest series, "Windows Vista Annoyances" by David A. Karp, tries to ease the pain of some to new users of Vista. For the owner of Vista, which is capable of putting the book's suggestion, the advantage should be withdrawn. The person considering a purchase of Vista and wondering if they can really be so bad, this book suggests that it is that bad. "
I have read a good number of titles Reilly's over the years. My bookseller of technical books is a rainbow of different volumes, each with its own style cover wood carving. I do not think that in all these years I have read as an introduction to the discomfort. O'Reilly authors tend to be enthusiastic about their subject and are often well-known defenders of the technology. I can only guess that Karp is not a big fan of Vista. The prologue begins with a section titled "Why am I upset?" And the article concludes with the question: "Will Microsoft take these decisions as if I had to compete fairly for your business?" The first sentence of the first chapter is "Windows Vista is a papaya: elegant on the outside, but a big mess on the inside." And never lets up to Karp. Throughout the book, from start to finish, he never tries to hide the ugliness of Vista. This book can be dangerous to the health of Microsoft fan boys. I imagine that reading too much time would lead to hypertension as a minimum.
Given the mess that is Vista, Karp informs the reader that, "No matter what color in the cup, or gives you heartburn depends on you." The point of the book is to give readers the information they need to make digestive Vista. This may sound simple but it brings up what I thought was the most difficult issue of Karp. Annoyances Vista is written with a level of detail and explanation that clearly mark for the casual user with knowledge of personal computers and how they work. She takes the time to explain things like what it means to a zip file, defrag what happens when running on a hard disk, network foundations, and so on. This is great for someone like me, who is sure to start getting a lot of calls from friends and family, since some of them move to Vista. The problem is, many of the solutions revolve around steps that are not necessarily a good idea for the beginner pc. Much of the solutions revolve around the issue of registration. The third chapter of the book deals only tuition. How it works, how to navigate within it and how it could be changed. For some people this may be a great way forward for many that could lead to much more serious problems than they had done in the first place.
To master the art, this book seems a bit swollen. They do not need all the explanation for the beginner. Many of the books are not only specific solutions Vista. They give information and work arounds for Windows issues that have existed in XP, and possibly back to 98. The saving grace is a comprehensive index. The person who buys this as a reference to help others, or to address specific issues facing the extensive index helps not to waste time working through what might feel like a lot of extra material.
I do not think that this issue of complexity is necessarily the fault of the author. Many of the changes that users will want to make Vista not only can be done in other ways than through tuition. When it is possible to use an interface programing (Gui or command line) Karp thorough and gives detailed instructions with screen shots on the way to work. But for many options these tools do not exist or have been eliminated, leaving the direct editing of the registry as the only solution left. Another question, which is somewhat similar, is that for most home users, some of the best solutions will be available as usual habit who have access to tools available in Vista Ultimate and Business editions. This is not the fault Karps again, but for many it means the book will have a lot of information can not be used.
They take care of the various editions and their characteristics are treated immediately in the first chapter. That chapter, "It starts with Windows Vista, which also covers installation. She goes over the various types of facilities and gives tips on how to deal not installed, the best way to create prior to the installation and how to deal with licensing. Throughout the book, Karp note ago when talking about a role, choice or tool that is limited to a subset of the family view. Make tracking everything can be a bit confusing. Once again, in reality it is not a weakness on the part of the author. It's just the nature of the beast.
The title of the second chapter I threw at the beginning. It is, "Shell Tweaks." When I hear the word shell my mind immediately, appears bash or ksh. In this case we are talking about Karp is Windows Explorer. As this is the main interface for users working with the file system view, the chapter has some information vital to the achievement of a sane and consistent user experience. She notes that many of the defaults are not going to endear many users and, in many cases, does not make much sense. When he examines the explorer Karp explains how to modify it when it opens at various folders and also in the context of desktop and taskbar.
She notes many third-party tools that help the user feels. Many are free, some are not. The tools mentioned more than any other element of Creative are tools. Tools can be downloaded free for a trial period of 45 days, but it costs $ 18 to leave beyond that time. This is important since many of Karps solutions can be managed without this software, but it would be very cumbersome. This is especially true of all the editing done in the registry.
Registration is thorough and chapter provides a detailed explanation of what the record is and how it works. This material could be useful for anyone with any version of the windows. The issue of trying to make Vista useful for non-technical users rears its head a bit here, as I mentioned. I found reading the explanations in hexadecimal or binary, as well as reading how to create a patch for the log file. This information could be useful for me to help others with problems of Windows. But when I consider that my parents, there is no way that I would like to prove half of what it is in this chapter. They, in all likelihood, a need to reinstall at any time. What does this reading to me more than anything is that most people are just going to have to make do with the way Microsoft Vista gives them.
The chapter in the management of multimedia is interesting and could be useful for users with less experience. There are solid explanations for codecs, players and how to get the most out of the media, especially video. There is very little said about Vista and DRM. There is no mention of potential hardware problems because of DRM. Indeed, the debate over digital rights management are limited to a brief mention of Tunebite and MyFair Tunes for DRM elimination. I suppose this is because the search for explaining these issues and would have required much more time, research and hardware. Vista discomfort almost sticks to the basics of the media.
I had to chuckle a bit as I read the chapter on performance as many of the recommendations to extinguish the participation of a large part of what differentiates View from XP. It is useful, however, as explained Karp options are configurable, and how much can be expected in earnings. That does make it clear that the initial defaults are far from ideal and it is worth the time to dig in and make adjustments. The same is true of security and in this regard the chapters on networking and users are indispensable. Once again, ensuring that all instruments entail having Ultimate / Business and the installation of third-party tools for Vista online.
He rated the book 8 out of 10. This is due to two issues. The first negative I explained a little bit and that is that the book speaks to the novel, but it requires someone with more experience in many cases. While this may not be the fault of the author and a necessity brought about by the subject, still makes less useful book. The second is that too often I found the author bringing up points only to say that he was going to explain later in the same chapter or another chapter. This is because they are the chapters on such issues as performance and problem solving. But when Karp is working its way through each of the options from a menu that in the branches of other subjects, as many options in Vista are scattered all over the place. Once again, this appears to be more a matter Vista, but hinders learning, however.
After finishing this book, my first thought was that I will do everything I can to ensure that no family or friends to buy a machine with Vista if possible. Service Pack 1 will address only some of the issues that Vista brings to the table. From what I have read about that fixing activation 'gaps' that could make some things worse. Should I find myself approached by someone who already has Vista and wants to help, I recommend this book if they have any idea what they are doing or can learn without going into too many problems. That classic parents or grandparents always raised as an example, I think it would be fair to say Show is the way it is and hope to be adjusted. If I like it enough, I pull this book off the shelf and head over to help them out.
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